Ballpark In Review: Yankee Stadium

Yankee Stadium, via Drew Sauer Written by Drew Sauer The classy song "Theme From New York, New York" by Frank Sinatra fills the stadium as you head out into the New York night. Every time I think about my wonderful trip to New York City, this song starts to play in my head as it perfectly captures the mood of New York. The classic song fits the theme of Yankee Stadium perfectly. The stadium was built in 2009, Yankee Stadium is modeled very closely to the original which was built in 1923. Found in the Bronx in New York, this iconic stadium was an amazing ballpark to visit. When looking at the stadium, some architectural features were kept close to the original. At the top of the stadium is the iconic white lining that was the original stadium. The outfield dimensions and the overall shape of the field and stadium were kept the same as well. The new Yankee stadium is a modern version of the historic original. On the first base side of the stadium was a large museum that was ...